If you google scholarships in Europe you will find an array of programs suitable even for the most fastidious student. Go to an appropriate website and choose the academic discipline you wish to study. Each course will have separate rules of application, which can be done online.
Generally, they involve sending a certified academic transcription and proof of language proficiency. The required language depends on the country; however the majority of courses are run in English. Therefore, the typical language exams would the CAE, CPE or IELTS. The latter, known as the International English Language Testing System, is popular with students who want to study or work. IELTS scores are recognised by universities and colleges, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies.
Additionally, bear in mind that there are two types of scholarships and assistance: general scholarships and assistance may cover traveling expenses, residence fees, course materials and exemption from tuition fees. Students who receive scholarships or assistance must meet certain economic and academic requirements. The other category consists of special scholarships and assistance for students who have an outstanding academic record, irrespective of the economic conditions of the student.
Last but not least, international students strongly believe that the friends and experiences obtained during campus life are worth as much as the education itself. The lessons and lifetime friendships achieved by living with others from all over the world are priceless.