As every year, a meeting hosted by the editorial team of Rzeczpospolita with business leaders and the Minister of Finance took place during the Economic Forum. – I am very happy that we could meet. I appreciate these meetings very much. For me, a dialogue with the sector has always been very important. My predecessor, Minister Tadeusz Kościński, proclaimed the pro-client, client-centric approach. This was also my motto when I held my previous posts, said Finance Minister Magdalena Rzeczkowska at the inauguration of the meeting, which was also attended by Deputy Minister Artur Soboń and the head of the National Revenue Administration, and Deputy Finance Minister Bartosz Zbaraszczuk.
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Śniadanie z „Rzeczpospolitą” z udziałem minister finansów Magdaleny Rzeczkowskiej i liderów czołowych polskich firm zdominowały kwestie pewności prawa i systemu podatkowego.
– We all have adopted the motto that challenges and problems should be solved in the spirit of dialogue. This was the case when it came to changes in PIT, and also in the work on changes in CIT. I hope you perceive this as a constructive attitude of the Finance Minister. When it comes to taxation, we must seek a compromise, emphasised Minister Rzeczkowska. – I perfectly understand your need for the law to be stabilised, to be as clear as possible. This is a huge challenge. We are in constant dialogue, working to improve the system. It is important that the market has time to prepare for the changes because in today’s world every change is a change in the digital system, which requires expenditures, added Rzeczkowska.
Dialogue on many levels
During the conversation, Roman Jamiołkowski of BAT Polska asked representatives of the Finance Ministry about the issue of revising the directive on excise duty. – We would like, as an industry, to encourage you to be proactive in this regard. There is a call for Poland to foster this discussion, stressed Jamiołkowski, who also asked about the issue of tobacco sachets and their regulation.
In response, Deputy Minister Artur Soboń underlined that Poland is not passive on the excise duty issue. Soboń pointed to a recent letter sent to the Czech presidency on the work on the directive. – It was never the case that we were just passive observers. Just because we sometimes talk about analysis doesn’t mean we’re just watching, added Rzeczkowska.