Lekcja 22: Soft or Hard – Today’s CEOs

In the business world Steve Jobs has a reputation of being a tough, hard-nosed CEO, while Jeff Immelt has a softer style. In manager’s speak, the word, „hard” means unyielding and unchanging. There are „hard results” and „hard numbers”, which are better than soft numbers which are flexible and can change. And there are „hard skills” which often seem to be much more highly rated than "soft skills"

Publikacja: 13.02.2008 01:08

Lekcja 22: Soft or Hard – Today’s CEOs

Foto: Rzeczpospolita

Can success only be obtained by a CEO with a hard attitude?One scientific study conducted on CEOs claims that CEOs who bring „hard” qualities such as aggressiveness, persistence, insistence on high standards, and the ability to hold people accountable are significantly more likely to succeed. Those who offer primarily „soft” skills like listening, developing talent, being open to criticism, and treating people with respect – are unlikely to work out. Yet another study showed that there are a number of things that contribute to top-executive success. Among the most powerful were factors such as achievement drive, developing others, adaptability, influence, self-confidence, and leadership. All of those are „soft” skills. Many executives had never heard of Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski until he acquired their companies. Dennis Kozlowski was considered one of the most aggressive CEOs. During his ten years as chief executive at Tyco international, Dennis Kozlowski was nicknamed „Deal a Month Dennis” for his aggressive acquisition strategy. An aggressive management style at times has its high price, and CEOs are always under pressure to improve operations and profits. But is aggression the answer? Maybe a „softer” approach can be the recipe for success.

Lekcja 22 - wersja audio

Hard-nosed – tough, practical

persistence – when someone tries to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way (upór, wytrwałość)

insistence – when you demand something and refuse to accept opposition, or when you say firmly that something is true (uporczywość)

contribute to – to help to cause an event or situation (przyczyniać się do)

accountable – someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do (odpowiedzialny)

primarily – mainly (głównie)

acquired – to obtain something (nabyć, zakupić)

nicknamed – giving an informal name for someone or something (nadać komuś przezwisko)

1. Smoking ………………. to lung cancer.2. Were you ……………… at school? My friends called me Donald Duck.3. I work ……………….. with women.4. The manager was held ………………… for the actions of his employees.

Can success only be obtained by a CEO with a hard attitude?One scientific study conducted on CEOs claims that CEOs who bring „hard” qualities such as aggressiveness, persistence, insistence on high standards, and the ability to hold people accountable are significantly more likely to succeed. Those who offer primarily „soft” skills like listening, developing talent, being open to criticism, and treating people with respect – are unlikely to work out. Yet another study showed that there are a number of things that contribute to top-executive success. Among the most powerful were factors such as achievement drive, developing others, adaptability, influence, self-confidence, and leadership. All of those are „soft” skills. Many executives had never heard of Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski until he acquired their companies. Dennis Kozlowski was considered one of the most aggressive CEOs. During his ten years as chief executive at Tyco international, Dennis Kozlowski was nicknamed „Deal a Month Dennis” for his aggressive acquisition strategy. An aggressive management style at times has its high price, and CEOs are always under pressure to improve operations and profits. But is aggression the answer? Maybe a „softer” approach can be the recipe for success.

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