How have Polish-French relations changed over the past 25 years?
French investors have responded to Poland’s needs. We have been involved in privatisation processes since the beginning. There have been huge foreign investments and this seems to be forgotten today. It started with company acquisitions (TP SA, Orbis), restructuring, and technology transfers. It was followed by the supplementation of services, more greenfield investments, and the relocation of industry. Since accessing the European Union, Poland has made a massive transformation and is a developed country today. Human capital is very high. This is what we call partnership. We constantly need new technologies and digitalisation but this is what we are actually working on.
The energy sector is also important.
Absolutely. We will soon know the decision on the selection of a contractor for Poland’s first nuclear power plant. Poland no longer needs to adapt to the existing solutions, but can make its own decisions and determine the best course of action.
Czytaj więcej
Nasi inwestorzy rozumieją, że Polska jest rozwiniętym rynkiem i aby odnieść sukces, należy dopasować się do potrzeb rynku – mówi François Colombié, wiceprezes Francusko-Polskiej Izby Gospodarczej.
What place do French investors hold in the Polish economy now?
We are third in the ranking. Germany is first and we share our place with the United States. We have invested EUR 20 billion, which has translated into 200,000 jobs in Poland. With subsidiary businesses, this is up to 400,000 jobs.