Lekcja 8: Job offer

An extraordinary educational leader who provides strong educational and operational leadership programs. An individual who is committed to students, who understands youth and has a track record of working successfully with students who have faced academic andpersonal challenges.

Publikacja: 31.10.2007 00:50

szczegóły na www.archibald.pl

The ideal candidate should be student-centered, a creative thinker, aninspiring personality, and someone who is committed to teamwork and competency-based education.

1. The role of a school principal is broadening. He or she may constantly have to deal with tasks that don't specifically relate to education, such as building maintenance or seeking government funding.

2. The principal is the chief executive officer of the school. As CEO, the principal’s most important role is that of personnel director. A major responsibility of the head is to attract and retain the best teachers possible. Likewise, he or she must motivate and challenge those who are struggling. Often, he or she must also make the very difficult decision not to renew a faculty member’s contract.

3. The principal also serves as chief school marketer. These days, it almost goes without saying that the principal is also the school’s chief fundraiser. Most schools are under-funded. The vast majority seek funding in addition to tuition revenue in order to make the necessary strides and improvements required for continued growth and development.

4. Finally, the principal must be a visionary. He must be able to articulate the school’s mission. As a visionary, the principal needs to set the course for future directions of the school.

1. Time management skills2. Perseverance3. Excellent interpersonal skills4. A passion for teaching and learning5. Be a confident public speaker6. Have a capacity for hard work7. Be resourceful8. Have a sense of humour

Lekcja 8


wersja audio

perseverance – continued effort and determination (wytrwałość)

diligence – caring an using a lot of effort (pracowitość, pilność)drive – energy and determination to achieve things (przedsiębiorczość) endurance – the ability of doing something difficult, unpleasant for a long time (wytrzymałość, cierpliwość)

1. Mark is very diligent about his work

2. The company is looking for someone with drive and ambition.

3. Running the marathon was a test of endurance.

4. Through his hard work and perseverance he managed to quickly climb the career ladder.

a track record – all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past (historia osoby/przedsiębiorstwa)principal – the person in charge of a school for children aged between 11 and 18 (dyrektor szkoły)broadening – wide (szerokie)maintenance – repairs and upkeep required for normal operation (konserwacja, remont)seeking – looking for (poszukiwać)retain – to keep or continue to have (utrzymywać)struggling –unsuccessful but trying hard to succeed (walka)fundraiser – a person or event involved in collecting money for a particular purpose (osoba zbierająca pieniądze na konkretny cel)strides –an important positive development (czynić postępy)resourceful –skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own (zaradny, pomysłowy)

Chciałbyś poznać lepiej angielski? Co tydzień atrakcyjne nagrody, dzięki którym angielski przestanie być obcy – ćwiczenia internetowe, literatura anglojęzyczna, słowniki i inne. 3 osoby, które jako pierwsze odpowiedzą na pytanie: What do we call someone who is skilled at solving problems and making decisions on his own? otrzymają study pack na wybranym poziomie. W e-mailu prosimy o podanie adresu korespondencyjnego i poziomu zaawansowania. Odpowiedź (z wykorzystaniem odpowiedniego słownictwa z lekcji) prosimy przesłać e-mailem do 7.11.2007 r. na adres: kariera@archibald.pl

szczegóły na www.archibald.pl

The ideal candidate should be student-centered, a creative thinker, aninspiring personality, and someone who is committed to teamwork and competency-based education.

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