Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

The 33rd Economic Forum kicks off

The programme for this year’s event is packed with highly relevant, key topics.

Publikacja: 03.09.2024 04:29

The 33rd Economic Forum kicks off

Foto: Maciej Zygmunt

“We are living at the turn of epochs,” says Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute for Eastern Studies Foundation, which organises the Economic Forum.

A long list of challenging topics

In addition to discussing current macroeconomic topics, inflation, economic growth, investments, the state of public finances, budget, deficit, debt and interest rates, the participants of the Economic Forum will naturally also discuss the challenges and barriers standing in the way of businesses. During one of the debates, the participants will reflect on how to create a ‘timeless, sustainable and innovative business that stands out’. The experts will be trying to figure out how to combine innovative solutions with social and environmental responsibility, creating brands that not only survive in the market, but also set new standards in their respective industries.

The Forum's organisers have noted that adverse demographic trends and the migration of people of working age have already become the greatest challenge for the European labour market. In many sectors of the economy, there is a shortage of labour, which, over time, could stifle economic growth in the long term. Businesses need to engage in a fierce competition to win over workers, especially well-qualified ones.

The competition for human capital incentivises countries to provide more attractive working and living conditions, in order to attract talent and stimulate economic growth. Who will win the race for human capital? What will the European labour market look like in the near future? These topics are to be discussed by the participants of the panel ‘Competing for human capital. Migration processes and their economic impact’.

The Forum's organisers have also observed that the climate crisis is an issue we have been facing for a long time. It is a major global problem with increasingly palpable consequences. They point out that, according to the overwhelming majority of studies, climate warming is attributable to human activities: the use of fossil fuels, agricultural practices and changes in land use, to name just a few.

Many organisations and countries that contribute the most to the deterioration of the environment shun the radical changes needed to improve it. What should be done to avoid a catastrophe? Are there any alternative ways to combat climate change? These issues will be debated by the participants of the panel ‘What can be done to stop climate change? In search of alternative solutions’.

The participants on another panel will contemplate whether Europe is ready for a cash-free future. The advocates of cashless transactions argue that this mode of payment is safer and more convenient, and will improve tax collection. However, critics see it as an opportunity to take total control over the population in all spheres of life. Who is right and whose vision will prevail?

The Forum also aspires to provide an insight into the key processes currently taking place on the world’s largest continent, Asia, which is becoming increasingly important for the global economy. What is more, future conflicts and tensions in some of its regions, e.g. in the South China Sea, may spill over to affect other areas. This topic will be discussed at the 33rd Economic Forum in Karpacz by the participants of the panel ‘The age of Asia. What does the rise of Asia mean for Europe?’.

In the context of global rivalry, the Forum will also feature a discussion on China’s rapidly growing role on the international stage. The panel, ‘China – the new hegemon?’, will bring together experts in international relations and sinologists to debate the current state of relations between the Middle Kingdom and the rest of the world.

Literature and music

Culture will also form an important part of the Economic Forum. This year, the organisers have invited over 30 authors of various types of books to be presented during the three-day event.

As is the case every year, Rzeczpospolita will have its lounge at the Economic Forum. During the day, it will be a centre for debate on key economic and geopolitical challenges.

In the evenings, we traditionally invite Forum participants to concerts. Among the artists performing at this year’s event is Baranovski. Bogusław Chrabota, editor-in-chief of Rzeczpospolita, will also perform with the band Yeednoo.

Foto: .

“We are living at the turn of epochs,” says Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute for Eastern Studies Foundation, which organises the Economic Forum.

A long list of challenging topics

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