Russian business

No one can ensure security in Europe without Russia. Russians themselves claim that the only obstacle to cooperation is the attitude of the United States

Publikacja: 13.09.2008 05:43

Vladimir Kolesnikov, Vice Chairman of the Commission for Security at Russian State Duma recognized it as the source of difficult relations between Russia and Poland. He noticed that if it had not been for that, the relations between Moscow and Russia would have been much warmer.„Poland and Russia are deeply interrelated, particularly by their common historic ties. However, the Americans attempt to divide us, as they are not very fond of our unity”, said Kolesnikov during a debate entitled „Security in Russia and Europe in the Beginning of the 21st Century: Paths of Cooperation”.

He recognized USA as the main global troublemaker and added that American strategy is based on the development of artificial conflicts.

„They act like this to create markets, for instance, to sell weapons. It is the United States, not Russia, which is involved in all conflicts. The Georgian conflict is not an exception. It is obvious that Russia entered only to carry out the peaceful steps. The same was heard from Jurij Rodionov, former Deputy Minister of Defence of USSR.

„If Condoleezza Rice says that we should not have interests in Georgia, then I would like to ask the question: where can we have our interests?” he enquired.

Russians did not conceal their irritation with the course of the Georgian conflict. In their opinion, when USA undertakes armed intervention, no one criticizes them for that.

„It is a shame that security has again been reduced to military issues. The army may take over factories, but they will not work there”, summarized Vice Chairman of Parliamentary Commission for EU, Tadeusz Iwiński (SLD). He endeavoured to convince other participants that „it is not only the European Union which should seek to involve Moscow in cooperation, but the Russians themselves should be more open for their own benefit”. In several decades, it may happen that the main global axis will not run between Washington and Moscow, but between Washington and Beijing. Furthermore, Russia and the EU are doomed to each other”, he warned. In his opinion, this is one of the reasons for close cooperation. „A Polish poet, Antoni Słonimski used to say: I am always losing, when exchanging my ideas, but I hope that the dialogue between Russians and other countries will not be in vain”, he said.

The Georgian Conflict has also dominated the debate „The New Cold War? Is Russia a Threat or a Promise to the West?”. Christopher Beazley from UK, a member of the Commission for Foreign Affairs at the European Parliament, said that the case of separatist Georgian provinces – Abkhazia and South Ossetia, recognized by Russia, would compel Europe to review the situation in the Caucasus.

„The European Convention reads that there is no cold war, ideological conflict or nuclear hazard. Nonetheless, it is about Russia’s attitude towards various countries. Georgia is not the first former Soviet republic harassed by Russia. Previously, it was Estonia, which was in the heart of Russian political propaganda”, he stressed.

According to Donald Jensen from John Hopkins University, USA, the Russian invasion in Georgia will disturb the balance in the Caucasian region, also in respect of energy carriers transit from the Caspian region to Europe.

Russia’s position was defended by Denis Ulim from the Institute of International Relations at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. „We showed that we are capable of standing up for our interests”, he said. He warned against the isolation of Russia. „Russia is an opportunity for the West, it is a part of global economy”. Western countries should be the major Russian partners.

Marina Smorodinskaya from the Institute of Economics at the Russian Academy of Sciences recapitulated by saying that „Russia, by accusing Brussels for the war in Yugoslavia and the United States for the war in Iraq pursues the „blind alley” politics, while the Russian domestic policy reflects the American way, just to maintain or acquire the status of a global leader.

Vladimir Kolesnikov, Vice Chairman of the Commission for Security at Russian State Duma recognized it as the source of difficult relations between Russia and Poland. He noticed that if it had not been for that, the relations between Moscow and Russia would have been much warmer.„Poland and Russia are deeply interrelated, particularly by their common historic ties. However, the Americans attempt to divide us, as they are not very fond of our unity”, said Kolesnikov during a debate entitled „Security in Russia and Europe in the Beginning of the 21st Century: Paths of Cooperation”.

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