‘It is especially difficult that the crisis seemingly puts employers and employees on two opposing sides of a barricade and an efficient labour market. Preventing unemployment and creating more work places is important for everybody because it creates conditions for economic renaissance, revival and economic growth,” said Henryka Bochniarz, President of the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan during the debate entitled „Solidarity in times of a crisis”.
„I hope that in some time everybody, also trade unions, will admit that the anti-crisis package we negotiated was necessary and that it is useful. However, right now it turns out that each partner had different expectations connected with it. That’s why reaching a compromise is such a daunting task,” she added.
[srodtytul]Relaxed relations[/srodtytul]
Janusz Śniadek, head of NSZZ „Solidarność” confirmed the observations of Henryka Bochniarz. ‘We are not hiding that the final shape of the anti-crisis law was deeply disappointing to us. However, the coming months will show whether it is effective and useful. We will be monitoring that,” he said.
However, Śniadek also thinks that the crisis causes problems which can only be solved by combined actions of the government, entrepreneurs and trade unions.