Marek Lipka: Every company must have a flexible plan

Carrefour paved the way for change before the pandemic appeared and can be really satisfied with the result today – mówi Marek Lipka, członek zarządu, dyrektor handlowy i supply chain Carrefour Polska.

Publikacja: 08.09.2022 21:50

Marek Lipka

Marek Lipka

Foto: Mariusz Szachowski,

How do Carrefour customers react to the price increase? Are you doing anything to reduce prices?

Retailers and other organisations must stand firm and propose specific changes as inflation is going to last longer than just a few months. We will face the consequences of inflation for several years. Every company must have a plan and be flexible in it. Recent months have brought two tests for companies. The first is the pandemic. The second is the war which started at the end of the pandemic and affects all of us. If we had not been flexible in our strategies, we would have failed the test. Some companies are facing serious problems now.

Carrefour paved the way for change before the pandemic appeared and can be really satisfied with the results today. We have implemented changes that help us combat negative influences in the market. This includes our own brand developing most rapidly in the Polish market. We have implemented loyalty campaigns with additional discounts on all purchases during the weekend. The customer expects to be able to take advantage of the discount on a regular basis and this is what our app offers. No one else in Poland offers a discount on the entire assortment.

Czytaj więcej

Marek Lipka: Każda firma musi mieć elastyczny plan

Another thing is smart shopping. Customers are careful about what they buy and when. We came out with the campaign “Smart dinner – not more than PLN 5 per person.” The price might seem impossible to achieve, but all it takes is the right choice of products. And this is just the beginning of what we want to do.

The market will soon see many changes. While pricing is a topic that is going to be still relevant, you need to start thinking about product availability.

So, you have to maintain good relations with product suppliers.

We have long introduced direct cooperation with very small local suppliers with production power to supply just one shop in the area. We already have more than 300 local manufacturers who supply us with more than 4,000 products. The rules of cooperation are simplified so that we can start working together just 48 hours after signing a contract. This is a unique solution on the market. Obviously, FMCG suppliers tell us about their difficult situation. We do not prepare annual action plans. Instead, we review them monthly with reference to changes on the market.

It is increasingly common to hear about possible shortages of products, including food. Do you have problems with product availability?

There are problems with the availability of FMCG products that were produced in Russia and Ukraine. We have no problems with food that can be produced in Poland. Our offer is very wide and diverse. If some products are excluded from the offer, we can handle this, unlike discount stores. We try to provide substitutes for the products. Flexibility is the key in a commercial strategy.

Has the war crisis affected the company’s operations?

Yes, we quickly prepared special offers for customers from Ukraine. We offered them brands they could buy in their own country. We also began to seek to expand our offer to include other products from Ukraine as our Polish customers were also looking for them. We also organised dedicated festivals of Ukrainian cuisine.

– Recorded by: Grzegorz Balawender

Partner relacji: Francusko-Polska Izba Gospodarcza CCIFP



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