Lekcja 1: Talent Management

Przedstawiamy pierwszą lekcję angielskiego z „Rz” i Archibaldem – Centrum Języka Angielskiego (www.archibald.pl). W każdą środę inny temat związany z pracą, studiami i karierą.

Aktualizacja: 11.09.2008 12:27 Publikacja: 10.09.2008 04:14

I’m sure most of you like to watch programs in which people of all ages show off their talents. Why do we like such shows? I think that they allow us to see a person’s transformation into a star or celebrity. The programs demonstrate how someone can go from rags to riches. Achieving success can be quick and thrilling. Remaining successful, on the other hand, can be a little bit trickier. Managing a talent and making sure that that talent doesn’t disappear is a tough task. Talent management can be defined as managing a talented group of people or simply managing a talent, assuming that everyone has a talent in some shape or form.

A British study group conducted research on a chosen number of employees and showed how talent management can improve the way employees feel about their supervisors’ capabilities, their job satisfaction and their intent to remain in the company. The survey included staff from Brazil, China, Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The outcome of the study wasn’t revolutionary, I would even say that is was quite obvious. It confirmed that policies such as career path programs, goal development and regular feedback sessions with managers have a profound effect on employee execution and motivation. It also verified that across all six countries, organizations with a focus on talent management have employees who are more engaged and more satisfied with their jobs and companies overall. Furthermore, having a talent management culture has a strong influence on job security and a sense of fairness among staff members.

However the study revealed another important issue, which is that employees believe that little or not enough is done to motivate them. People need to be given achievable goals, regular feedback and career development. Every organization should feel the need to build a committed and engaged workforce and what better way to do it than to take care of all its talents.

Wersja audio


go from rags to riches – to start your life very poor and then later in life become very rich (prędkie wzbogacenie się )


show off- to behave in a way which is intended to attract attention or

admiration, and which other people often find annoying (popisywac się)

demonstrate- to show; to make clear (przedstawiać)

intent- when you want and plan to do something (zamiar)

outcome- a result or effect of an action, situation (wynik, rezultat)

profound- felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way (głęboki, wnikliwy)execution -when something is done or performed, especially in a planned way (wykonanie)verified -to prove that something exists or is true, or to make certain that something is correct (potwierdzić)

Practice makes perfect

Complete the gaps with words from the text

1. Tom came to work to ………….. …… his new Omega watch.

2. What is your ……………….. as far as our next conference in Germany?

3. The death of his mentor had a …………..effect on him.

4. You can’t predict the …………………of the next year’s sales. I'm optimistic they'll be higher than this year's.

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I’m sure most of you like to watch programs in which people of all ages show off their talents. Why do we like such shows? I think that they allow us to see a person’s transformation into a star or celebrity. The programs demonstrate how someone can go from rags to riches. Achieving success can be quick and thrilling. Remaining successful, on the other hand, can be a little bit trickier. Managing a talent and making sure that that talent doesn’t disappear is a tough task. Talent management can be defined as managing a talented group of people or simply managing a talent, assuming that everyone has a talent in some shape or form.

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