Rz recommends – 10th September

Publikacja: 10.09.2010 01:28

[srodtytul]The plenary session[/srodtytul][b]New EU financial perspectives for the years 2014-2020. Focus on innovative solutions or infrastructure? [/b]

The world economy is gradually getting back on its feet after the crisis and the European Commission is beginning to work on a budget which will define future financial prospects. Will the general economic growth in the European Community contribute to modernisation of Central Europe? Should investment in infrastructure constitute the priority in modernisation of the region, or should the focus rather be on implementing innovative solutions? The EU presidency of Hungary and Poland next year offer unique opportunity for devising an EU budget which will ensure sustained development of all countries. This will be a subject of the plenary session with Francis Bailly, Vice President for European Affairs of GE, Belgium, Janusz Lewandowski, EC Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, György Szapáry, Counselor of the Hungarian Prime Minister on economic policy, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mirek Topolanek, Gunter Verheugen, Professor at the European Viadrina University in Germany, and Jarosław Bauc, President of Polkomtel S.A. Marc Colemam, Irish economic editor, will moderate the discussion. [i]Pijalnia Główna at.9.00[/i]

[srodtytul]Discussion panels[/srodtytul]

[b]Central and Eastern Europe – summary of the last 20 years and new challenges[/b]

Has the European Union lost or gained as a whole by acquiring new member states in 2004? What does the phrase 'two-speed Europe' mean now? Are the countries in our region poor relatives of the Western Europe ? Is the crisis weakening or strengthening our chances of matching their levels of economic development? Are we effective when it comes to the political dimension? Can we generate common economic projects? Such issues will be debated by Andrzej Klesyk, President of the Board at PZU S.A., Janusz Lewandowski, EC Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, Marek Belka, President of the National Bank of Poland, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, head of the economic council of the Prime Minister, and Mart Laar, Estonian Deputy. [i]Stary Dom Zdrojowy, Restaurant Room at 13.30[/i]

[b]A common European energy market from Finland to Morocco – an opportunity or a threat?[/b]

The discussion will start from the perspective of Poland and the Polish stock exchange in the context of integration of European energy markets and conclusions drawn from the experience of Western Europe and Scandinavia from the process of building a fluid market and its influence upon the competitive edge of companies. The speakers will present the final model of the energy market, in particular the role of stock exchanges and system operators also the role of politics and the market in supporting investment processes. The discussion will be moderated by Krzysztof Rybinski , Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, Bert den Ouden – President of the Board at APX-ENDEX, The Netherlands, Mikael Lundin – President of the Board at Nordpool Spot AS, Norway, Grzegorz Onichimowski, President of the Board at the Polish Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A., and Marek Woszczyk – Vice President of the Energy Regulatory Authority. [i]Stary Dom Zdrojowy, the Ball Room at 10.40[/i]

[b]Profit or responsibility? Business and politics in times of crisis[/b]

The discussion will be held on businesses' social responsibility. Does the crisis force the CSR idea to evolve and if yes, then how? What are the chances that European business will decide that CSR is a remedy for crisis? The plenary session will be moderated by Paweł Lisicki, Chief Editor of the Rzeczpospolita and the participants will include Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Relations with the USA, Maros Sefcovic, EU Commissioner for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration, Iwan Graczow, Deputy from the Russian Duma, Sławomir Sikora, President of the bank Citi Handlowy, John O’Sullivan, Editorial Director of Radio Free Europe, and Adrian Severin, Deputy Chairman of the Socialist Bloc in the European Parliament. [i]Pijalnia Główna at: 16:20 [/i]

[b]Decreasing administrative burdens for entrepreneurs[/b]

Will the activities undertaken for the sake of decreasing this type of burden allow Poland to achieve greater economic growth? Will such activities facilitate entrepreneurs and will Poland be perceived as an attractive place for investment worldwide? The debate will be moderated by Aleksandra Fandrejewska-Tomczyk of Rzeczpospolita and the participants will include Adam Jasser, Secretary of the Economic Council working close to the Prime Minister, Paweł Kuglarz, associate at Beiten Burkhardt P. Daszkowski, Dariusz Nachyła, President of Deloitte Business Consulting, and Marcin Piątkowski of the World Bank.

[i] Stary Dom Zdrojowy, the Presidential Room at 12:00[/i]

[srodtytul]The plenary session[/srodtytul][b]New EU financial perspectives for the years 2014-2020. Focus on innovative solutions or infrastructure? [/b]

The world economy is gradually getting back on its feet after the crisis and the European Commission is beginning to work on a budget which will define future financial prospects. Will the general economic growth in the European Community contribute to modernisation of Central Europe? Should investment in infrastructure constitute the priority in modernisation of the region, or should the focus rather be on implementing innovative solutions? The EU presidency of Hungary and Poland next year offer unique opportunity for devising an EU budget which will ensure sustained development of all countries. This will be a subject of the plenary session with Francis Bailly, Vice President for European Affairs of GE, Belgium, Janusz Lewandowski, EC Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget, György Szapáry, Counselor of the Hungarian Prime Minister on economic policy, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mirek Topolanek, Gunter Verheugen, Professor at the European Viadrina University in Germany, and Jarosław Bauc, President of Polkomtel S.A. Marc Colemam, Irish economic editor, will moderate the discussion. [i]Pijalnia Główna at.9.00[/i]

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