Forum Ekonomiczne

„Rzeczpospolita” na Forum Ekonomicznym w Karpaczu 2024

Opening of the Erasmus+ InnHUB Poznań innovation centre

The cooperation was initiated with the signing of a letter of intent of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System.

Publikacja: 11.09.2022 23:16

Signing of a letter of intent on Erasmus+ InnHUB Poznań

Signing of a letter of intent on Erasmus+ InnHUB Poznań

Foto: Bartek Dąbrowski,

The European Commission has established the Erasmus+ Programme for 2021–2027. Its budget amounts to EUR 28 billion. It is not only pupils, students, teachers, and lecturers who can benefit from these funds. Other educational institutions, local governments, NGOs, associations, sports clubs, and private companies will also receive support.

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Startuje centrum innowacji Erasmus+ InnHUB Poznań

The funds are managed by the Narodowa Agencja Programu Erasmus+ [National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program] and the Europejski Korpus Solidarności [European Solidarity Corps], i.e. the Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji [Foundation for the Development of the Education System].

At the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Vice-Chancellor of the Poznań University of Technology, noted that the Poznań University of Technology is the only Polish university to be a project leader in EUNICE European University. It joined the elite group of universities in Europe that will set the course for European universities.

The Erasmus+ InnHUB will connect European universities with Poznań universities. InnHUB will be a platform for the social and economic environment, a training centre and, above all, a real application of knowledge, essential to economic development. Many companies have an ongoing business relationship with us. We want to respond to external market demands for education, he said.

Paweł Śniatała, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for International Relations at the Poznań University of Technology, argued that his university is very open to cooperation with both universities and business. We share contacts and experiences with other people. InnHUB will also support the external environment, he emphasised.

We have been working for many years to connect the university with the needs of business. To take full advantage of the potential, we organise InnHub programmes and centres, further supporting institutions in different regions of Poland. We want to take full advantage of the offer, said Dr Paweł Poszytek, CEO of the Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji.

On 19 September, the innovation centre in Poznań will be officially opened. You will be able to learn about the rich offer of the programme, consult on your project, and talk to experts. The programme is open to all institutions, including schools, kindergartens, economic zones, local governments, and foundations.

We encourage all organisations that can benefit from Erasmus to participate in the programme. We will hold training sessions and events in urban spaces and establish agreements to support innovation in the region through the Erasmus+ Programme, said Bartosz Stawiarz, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Regions at the Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji.

We want to make good use of the funds that are earmarked for Poland. The grants can range from EUR 30 thousand and amount to even EUR 5 million in some cases. The funds must go to as many organisations in Poland as possible and become the organisational impetus for more Erasmus+ InnHUB centres, he added.

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji manages projects and initiatives under European programmes. It represents Poland internationally by raising funds for the development of education supporting business in Poland. It also manages organisational recruitment and oversees project financing.

Partner: Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji


The European Commission has established the Erasmus+ Programme for 2021–2027. Its budget amounts to EUR 28 billion. It is not only pupils, students, teachers, and lecturers who can benefit from these funds. Other educational institutions, local governments, NGOs, associations, sports clubs, and private companies will also receive support.

The funds are managed by the Narodowa Agencja Programu Erasmus+ [National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program] and the Europejski Korpus Solidarności [European Solidarity Corps], i.e. the Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji [Foundation for the Development of the Education System].

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