Lekcja 35: The art of networking

Did you ever hear the saying “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? One often overlooked advantage of MBA studies are the contacts you make at university. A few years down the road you will probably forget things you have learned, but your contacts will remain.

Aktualizacja: 14.05.2008 13:35 Publikacja: 14.05.2008 03:03

I don’t want to encourage anybody to slack off in learning, because it’s both what and who you know that counts in the end. What is networking and why do we call it an art? Networking is meeting people and learning what skills they have and what knowledge they posses, and making sure they know the same about you.

I was recently talking to one of my MBA students who told me he was hired by one insurance company simply because he had a solid network of potential clients. Knowing the right people is so important for hiring companies that they evaluate their future employees on how well they are able to network with clients. Networking happens all the time, in the classroom, at parties, at conferences, even while shopping. Talking to people and sharing ourselves with them builds a net of friendships that in time grows and brings beneficial results.

MBA students are career-driven, that is why their ability to change duties and progress inside a company depends on the willingness of others to help them. Getting that help depends on how well others know them. An MBA student might receive the following advice on how to best network:

1. Make an effort to become personal. Insightful questions about a firm might make an impression, however what is also important is to make a personal connection, something which can help you get a foot in the door.

2. Sell yourself well. Knowing when to smoothly add detailed information about your background and credentials during a conversation can be a challenge.

3. Be an apple-polisher. Everyone likes to hear compliments, just remember to make sure they sound sincere and not hollow. The strength of networking can provide contacts, advice and employment. My MBA student doesn’t need to worry about future employment, the better his network skills are, the better the work opportunities that he gets will be.

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slack off – to work slower and with less effort than usual (poluzowywać, zwolnić)

Another expression with the word ‘slack’:to cut somebody some slack – (American English) to treat someone less severely than is usual (dać komuś trochę luzu)


down the road –at some time in the future (kiedyś w przyszłości)

solid – certain, giving confidence and support (rzetelny, godny zaufania)

beneficial – helpful, intended to help (korzystne)

willingness – the desire to do something if it is needed (dobre chęci)

insightful – a deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation (wnikliwe)

credentials – proof of someone's abilities and experience (referencje)

apple-polisher – to seek favours by giving people things or saying compliments (pochlebca)

hollow – not true or sincere (nieszczery)

Complete the gaps with words from the text

1. I wonder what will happen ………………. when we retire?

2. I don’t trust him, his …………… promises don’t mean anything.

3. What we have here is …………. evidence that the defendant killed his business partner.

4. Before we hire you, I will need to see your ………………

—odpowiedzi na www.archibald.pl

Malwina Staszak, metodyk Archibalda

I don’t want to encourage anybody to slack off in learning, because it’s both what and who you know that counts in the end. What is networking and why do we call it an art? Networking is meeting people and learning what skills they have and what knowledge they posses, and making sure they know the same about you.

I was recently talking to one of my MBA students who told me he was hired by one insurance company simply because he had a solid network of potential clients. Knowing the right people is so important for hiring companies that they evaluate their future employees on how well they are able to network with clients. Networking happens all the time, in the classroom, at parties, at conferences, even while shopping. Talking to people and sharing ourselves with them builds a net of friendships that in time grows and brings beneficial results.

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