Discrete climate of serious talks

Emil Bodziony, the Mayor of Krynica Zdrój

Publikacja: 13.09.2008 05:49

RZ: What does the town gain thanks to the Economic Forum taking place in Krynica?

Emil Bodziony: We are a known spa and a tourist destination, but also – thanks to more than ten congresses, which are held here – we are a conference base. The biggest of them is certainly the Economic Forum, which we are very pleased with, because thanks to the publicity of this event we can promote ourselves as a place, where it is possible to conduct easily difficult political and business talks in the climate of discretion. Such promotion consolidates the brand image of Krynica and encourages others to arrive here not just for recreation.

How do you try to support the organization of the event?

We are not so much responsible as the Eastern Institute is, but we try to meet all logistical requirements. We put up temporary facilities, organize the congress town, decorate it with plants. We also publish brochures in a few languages, paying for translators.

And what about the accommodation base? Its standards still leave much to be expected.

It changes. We act as an intermediary in attracting investors, who build new hotels with higher standards. Recently two new four-star hotels were opened. Furthermore, we try to change the image of our town. We have planned in the nearest future revitalization of Krynica’s promenade. We hope that we will manage to receive a subsidy from the EU for this purpose.

Are tourists unhappy that they cannot have the spa exclusively for themselves, that during these days in September it becomes crowded and noisy?

This is a great attraction for them. You don’t meet so many known and famous politicians and business people at one time in one place. Furthermore, many of them willingly talk with passers-by, tourists, which also gives the latter new impressions from their stay in Krynica. Many events taking place during the Forum are entirely open for citizens, guests and tourists. I think that there is no one, who would regard so many additional attractions as disturbing.

What would happen to Krynica, if the Economic Forum would move to another town? How would you promote the spa at that time?

I do not even admit a thought that the Forum would leave our town. I think that such possibility is not considered at all. We have signed a long-term contract with the Institute. Furthermore, this is an event, which would rather not prove to be good in a big city, where the situation with accommodation looks completely different. We have regular guests, whom we cannot refuse accommodation. We have tried for years, for example, to ensure that the National Health Fund does not sell sanatorium stays for their patients during the Forum. We have also an opportunity to place the whole conference town in one place. It would be much more difficult in Krakow, for instance. However, if it would turn out that the Forum would leave us, we will promote ourselves as a town, which for many years hosted such a big event, as an excellent place for the organization of conferences and congresses.

Polish version

RZ: What does the town gain thanks to the Economic Forum taking place in Krynica?

Emil Bodziony: We are a known spa and a tourist destination, but also – thanks to more than ten congresses, which are held here – we are a conference base. The biggest of them is certainly the Economic Forum, which we are very pleased with, because thanks to the publicity of this event we can promote ourselves as a place, where it is possible to conduct easily difficult political and business talks in the climate of discretion. Such promotion consolidates the brand image of Krynica and encourages others to arrive here not just for recreation.

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