Employees as owners

How to increase employees’ involvement in company life?

Publikacja: 10.09.2010 01:42

In the discussion about the employee stock option plan participated Jolanta Fedak the Minister of La

In the discussion about the employee stock option plan participated Jolanta Fedak the Minister of Labour and Social Policy (first from the right)

Foto: Fotorzepa, Roman Bosiacki Roman Bosiacki

– We must take care of training and career paths, as well as create promotion opportunities for young mothers – emphasised Jolanta Fedak, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, a special guest of the panel discussion titled: “Involvement of Employees as the Driving Force of Enterprise Development – Employee Stock Option Plan and Other Methods”. Minister Fedak was very enthusiastic about the employee stock option plan, but what she appreciates is the real stock option plan, not to be confused with the free distribution to the employees of 15% of shares of companies undergoing privatisation, which in her opinion is a form of bribery ensuring public peace and consent to sell the company.

As Francois Colombie, the head of the supervisory board of Auchan Polska said, in his company the employee stock option plan has been operating for several years, and has stood the test in the French parent company. Mr Colombie emphasised that the philosophy of sharing profit with the employees matters.

Dorota Wójcik-Czarzasty from Leroy–Merlin noticed that if a company wants to be successful and to encourage its employees to invest in its shares, it must conduct proper educational actions –employees need to see the connection between the company value growth and their work. This is a component of good internal communication underestimated by many enterprises in the period of prosperity.

Beata Janczur, vice president of Lukas Bank, said that in such cases companies sometimes forget about basic issues, so important to people, such as open and transparent communication or building a sense of security. – Increasing employees’ involvement can also be supported by the transparent system of internal promotion – noticed Yann Gontard, the head of Sodexo Polska.

We should also take care of those who cannot or do not want to get promoted. – And design trainings for new competences – said Grzegorz Sokołowski, vice president of EDF. Sonia Wędrychowicz, vice president of Citi Handlowy pointed out the importance of individual attitude to employees, encoraged by programme of employee voluntary work.

Involvement of employees and building the employee stock option plan is also easier when we use the executive option programmes (addressed also to key employees). – Executive options build the community of interest between the shareholders and company employees – said Przemysław Gdański, member of the management board of BRE Bank, during the panel summarising 20 years of existence of executive options in Poland. Beata Gessel –Kalinowska vel Kalisz from the Gessel law office reminded that in Poland there are already the legal structures necessary to create such programmes and their introduction is easier and less expensive to companies. However as Artur Kaźmierczak from PriceWaterhouseCoopers emphasised, still only 13-40% of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (depending on the industry) make use of the long-term instruments of managers’ motivation and remuneration. Now the EU regulations are expected to encourage them to do so.

Anita Błaszczak

– We must take care of training and career paths, as well as create promotion opportunities for young mothers – emphasised Jolanta Fedak, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, a special guest of the panel discussion titled: “Involvement of Employees as the Driving Force of Enterprise Development – Employee Stock Option Plan and Other Methods”. Minister Fedak was very enthusiastic about the employee stock option plan, but what she appreciates is the real stock option plan, not to be confused with the free distribution to the employees of 15% of shares of companies undergoing privatisation, which in her opinion is a form of bribery ensuring public peace and consent to sell the company.

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