Chance for a gas compromise

Interview: Waldemar Pawlak, Deputy Prime Minister

Publikacja: 10.09.2010 01:46

Chance for a gas compromise

Foto: Fotorzepa, Roman Bosiacki Roman Bosiacki

[b]Rz: Next week, the meeting of the representatives of Poland and Russia on amendment of the gas contract will be attended also by a representative from Brussels. Will it be helpful in negotiations? [/b]

Waldemar Pawlak: Participation of a representative from the European Commission can accelerate the dialogue. In today’s conversation with Minister Sergiej Szmatko, I had an impression that the Russian party is entirely open and doesn’t have initial reservations. I can see intentions to discuss the current terms and find a compromise. It is important for us to prepare quickly such a version of the gas contract that it could be accepted in possibly the shortest time and within the scope agreed earlier with the European Commission.

[b]Russian press quotes unofficial statements of the representatives of Gazprom, who criticize the plan of handing over supervision of Yamal pipeline to Gaz System. Is it not a sign that talks could be harder than it seemed a few days ago?[/b]

It is very important for us to explain directly, with the participation of the EC representative, all issues connected with changes to the contract and appointment of the operator. It’s not important if we select one company or another, what’s crucial is that it must ensure appropriate gas and acceptable, effective transfer. That’s why, from the business point of view there is no problem, and there is a potential for consensus. If someone wants to see this matter from the political viewpoint, actually we can hear opinions that someone else has built the gas pipeline and the profits are earned by someone else.

[b]The appointment of the operator means for the Russian party an attempt to divest the Russian company of its privileges. Gazprom, with the 27 billions of cubic meters of gas per year sent to Germany, is afraid of the increase of transit fees. [/b]

There is no reason to think that GazSystem is less effective in gas pipeline management than EuRoPol Gaz. And there are also no reasons for increase of transit rates via Yamal. GazSystem can’t have unjustified costs. The Energy Regulatory Office, which approves rates for gas transport, applies the same appraisal for the tariffs of GazSystem related to national pipelines and for Yamal.

[b]Do you have an impression that Brussels wants to enforce the right of the EU towards the Yamal pipeline in a restrictive way. Meanwhile, other, more liberal rules are applied for example towards Nord Stream gas pipelines from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea.[/b]

In the case of Nord Stream, there is no such determination. It functions according to extra rules, there are no limitations and requirements for the third parties. As far as Yamal is concerned, the EU wants to emphasize strongly how important are these new regulations, and those related to access of third parties, although they come into force in March 2011. We have two worlds – one is Europe, which is based on the European Energy Charter, and the second is Russia, which has not ratified the Charter following its own regulations and demonstrating approach typical for the state and not the market domain.

Agnieszka Łakoma

[b]Rz: Next week, the meeting of the representatives of Poland and Russia on amendment of the gas contract will be attended also by a representative from Brussels. Will it be helpful in negotiations? [/b]

Waldemar Pawlak: Participation of a representative from the European Commission can accelerate the dialogue. In today’s conversation with Minister Sergiej Szmatko, I had an impression that the Russian party is entirely open and doesn’t have initial reservations. I can see intentions to discuss the current terms and find a compromise. It is important for us to prepare quickly such a version of the gas contract that it could be accepted in possibly the shortest time and within the scope agreed earlier with the European Commission.

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