This is the conclusion of a discussion which took place among journalists of a panel on the influence of politics on the media. They sought to answer the question whether democratic standards are bound to deteriorate in a free world. The panel was hosted by the „Rzeczpospolita” commentator Igor Janke, with among many British and French, media present .

Nearly everyone noticed the tendency towards an increasing influence of large-scale capital on the media.

– Political news is more difficult to sell than it used to be in the past. This is precisely why their quality is deteriorating – Adam Jasser from Reuters believes. – Publishers want their information to be as sexy as possible – Jasser adds.

But, as the discussants noticed, this is precisely what leads journalists who are chasing attractive news to often publish stories which are not well researched. Often the only purpose is to be ahead of the competition.- This is how journalists are entrapped by politicians and if they manage to escape, they fall into the hands of business – Janke concluded.

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