I am glad that also this time the East has met the West. We show that we can organize a serious debate on European and global issues. We have 2000 guests taking part in panel discussions and then exchanging opinions on the promenade, which is turned during the Forum into the largest salon in this part of Europe.

The importance of the meetings is also growing. Many grave words have been uttered during the Forum, among them the declaration of Prime Minister Doland Tusk about the introduction of the Euro in Poland in three years.The success of the Forum and the accompanying events justifies the opinion that events of this format deserve to be continued.

The Economic Forum contributes to the immense promotion of Poland: first, because it attracts many celebrities to Krynica, and second – through the mass media coverage. The exchange of opinions on the gravest modern problems is also noticed by both the European and the World media.

Polish version

Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Economic Forum Programme Council