Mairead Keigher: Human rights reporting: a must for European business

Following the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011, a 'perfect storm' of legislation, investor interest and civil society scrutiny has led to increased emphasis on companies' human rights disclosure.

Publikacja: 27.02.2018 14:00

Mairead Keigher

Mairead Keigher

Foto: materiały prasowe

Both shareholders and other stakeholders want to know if companies are doing business with respect for human rights. Formative legislation such as the UK's Modern Slavery Act (2015), the French 'Devoir de Vigilance' (2017), the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (2010) and the EU non-financial reporting Directive (2014) requires companies to disclose information related to their human rights policies, risk management processes and outcomes. Moreover, we have seen a proliferation of company performance benchmarks, indices and ratings, such as Behind the Brands, the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, Ranking Digital Rights, and the Workforce Disclosure Initiative.

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