The long-held belief by many employers that early retirement is a competitive advantage will soon have to be rethought. Older workers were seen, and perhaps still are, as less efficient and less productive, therefore costly. Governments have subsidized early retirement to make room for the young. The average retirement age is around 60. In France and Italy, for example, you can retire as early as 59. Yet, should a company dismiss a good worker just because he or she has reached a certain age?
I’d like to abolish some misconceptions about scaling down senior workers and focus on the benefits of hiring someone over 60. Below are some comments of „working retired” who say why work is so important for them.
Tom (65) – „I really enjoy my work. I have been given flexible working hours and a decent salary. I work because I want to, not because I have to. I feel I’m still needed and my work is appreciated.”
Mike (70) – „I thought that when I’d retire I would finally start enjoying life, but it turned out that I was miserable. I always enjoyed being with people, being part of a group. How can you enjoy life sitting at home and staring at the TV?”
Dave (63) – „I couldn’t imagine being sent to early retirement. I have worked in my company for over 30 years. I know it in and out. My colleagues, young and old, turn to me for help and advice. My boss says I’m their mentor.”