Said at Krynica

Publikacja: 10.09.2010 01:09

[srodtytul]Paweł Poncyljusz, member of Law and Justice[/srodtytul]

Poland has to analyze thoroughly the case of Slovakia in the eurozone. It is not acceptable that a country joins in and immediately afterwards it is to contribute to help for a better developed country.

[srodtytul]Witold Orłowski, Economist of PricewaterhouseCoopers[/srodtytul]

Increased production of innovative medicines is a chance for improvement of the Polish trade balance. This market has not been affected by crisis.

[srodtytul]Rafał, Baniak undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy[/srodtytul]

Today we can see that investment projects, which were suspended last year, are renewed today. Although investment inflow has increased, we must try to attract other investors.

[srodtytul]Michał Szubski, President of PGNiG[/srodtytul]

The investment process in Poland is a nightmare. There are procedural problems. It’s different than in the United States, here to drill a well you need to reach agreement with many land owners.

[srodtytul]Leszek Miller, former Prime Minister of Poland [/srodtytul]

The President of Ukraine, Victor Janukovytsch, knows the way to Brussels, but it does not lead via Warsaw. Ukraine does not need a Polish advocate in the European Union.

[srodtytul]Janusz Steinhoff, former Minister of Economy[/srodtytul]

Shale gas mining has affected the global market, prices of liquid gas have dropped. If the mined volumes would still increase, there is a chance to weaken the position of the so far biggest producers.

[srodtytul]Jerzy Hausner, member of Monetary Policy Council[/srodtytul]

Polish economy is very innovative. We have much more dynamic production, we don’t pollute the environment. But our innovativeness is imitative. Universities have not changed in the same way as companies and the contribution of science to our innovativeness is none.

[srodtytul]Adam Leszkiewicz, Deputy Minister of State Treasury [/srodtytul]

I hope that during the Supervisory Board’s meeting on 16 September and next on 4 October the shareholders of Azoty Tarnow will express their permission for purchase by their company of the shares of ZAK. At that time, we will be able to finish the process of acquisition of the plant from Kedzierzyn still this year.

[srodtytul]Joze Mencinger, former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia[/srodtytul]

Too big reliance on foreign investors can lead to spread of trouble from other countries, as it was the case with the banking sector, which triggered the current crisis.

[srodtytul]Eduard Prutnik, President of Ukrainian Foundation „United World” [/srodtytul]

Neutral status – is not a choice of Ukraine. It is required by international reality. It does not mean that Ukraine does not want to cooperate with NATO. Simply, we do not want to belong to old structures of collective security.

[srodtytul]Paweł Poncyljusz, member of Law and Justice[/srodtytul]

Poland has to analyze thoroughly the case of Slovakia in the eurozone. It is not acceptable that a country joins in and immediately afterwards it is to contribute to help for a better developed country.

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