The President of the Management Board of PKN Orlen, Jacek Krawiec ensured in Krynica yesterday that his company was secure in terms of the supply of the crude oil, even if it turned out that the presently main supply channel, i. e. the Friendship pipeline (from Russia, via Belarus to Poland and Germany) would provide less oil. The reason is that Orlen is able to deliver crude oil to its biggest refinery in Płock on ships from Gdańsk. Lotos Group the main plant of which operates in Gdańsk is in a similar situation.
The Polish companies had ambitious plans to invest in the crude oil and gas extraction, but for the reason of the crisis, as Mr Krawiec admitted, they had to limit the plans. – This means also reduction of the manufacturing volume – he said.
– Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe in terms of energy, as the energy dependency ratio is only 18% in our country whereas in the EU countries – 50%. We are at a very strong input position. And our problem is that the basic energy source is coal – convinced the vice prime minister and minister of economy, Waldemar Pawlak.
The vice president of the management board of the Czech energetic concern CEZ, Tomas Pleskas is of the opinion that the good strategy ensuring the energetic safety of the region is the development of the nuclear power plants. – The Czech government strategy assumes this for the next 15-20 years – said Pleskas.
As Zsolt Hernadi, the president of the Hungarian MOL group said, it is necessary to construct the new lines to supply the energetic raw materials from the south to the north. – We cannot talk about the free market having only one supplier – convinced the president of MOL.