The tables in the town’s coffee shops and restaurants are occupied by an army of managers of different ranks. Coming together at informal meetings are both the employees of one and the same company and representatives of many a time foreign competition. This makes the Forum not only a platform of the official exchange of opinions, but also of less formal interpersonal relations.
A significant part in this important and advantageous process of the business elites getting to know one another is played by the Polish state structures, or should I say – by the weakness of its infrastructure. Leaving the nice town of Krynica turns out to be quite a problem. Being located on the edge of Poland, away from everywhere with the roads hardly permitting fast departure. The Polish Railways” offer is far from modern, seems not to have changed since the Kaiser Franz Josef’s days. Many participants of the Forum are forced to stay longer than needed. This is a good thing, as it makes the September meetings in the mountains ever more important for our economy.